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BAS Stealer – A full-fledged Stealer on BAS 7 Browsers 12 Wallets Grabber

[ + ] Sealer is written entirely in BAS + Nodejs, has no downloads from the network
[+] Has no dependencies on .NET
[+] Collecting the log takes from 0-5 seconds
[+] Weight ~ 1 megabyte
[+] Does not use NPM packages of NodeJS.

[ + ] Collecting browsers Chrome, Opera/OperaGX, Brave, Vivaldi, Mozilla
[ + ] Collecting Cookies, Passwords, Autofill Forms
[ + ] Steam grabber (config, ssfn)
[ + ] FileZilla, Total Commander ftp session grabber
[+] Collecting Discord files
[ + ] Collecting Minecraft (Nicknames, Mail)
[+] Collecting Uplay sessions
[ + ] Collecting 12 crypto-wallets
[ + ] Recursive collection of the desktop (. txt files up to 2MB)
[+] Collection of information about the PC (Name, Username, System, Clipboard

About the Panel

[+] Written in PHP
[+] Does not require a database
[+] Sending logs directly to telegram
[+] Logs cannot be merged, everything is safe)



Sending SMS
2FA grabber
Interception of SMS
Covert SMS interception
Lock your device
Mute the sound
Keylogger (messengers, watz app, telegram-secret, banks, etc., except for browsers!)
Executing USSD commands
Call forwarding
Bank fake page opening
Launch any installed application
Bank push notification (Automatic push – determines which established bank)
Open url in browser
Get all installed apps
Retrieve all contacts from their phone book
Retrieve all saved SMS
Removing any application
Bot self-destruction

Automatic confirmation of rights and permissions
The bot can have several spare urls to connect to the server
Injections (html + js + css, download to the device and run from disk, poor connection or lack of Internet will not affect the operation of injections)
Card grabber
Mail Grabber
Automatic inclusion of injections after the time specified in the admin panel
Automatic shutdown of Google Play Protect + shutdown after the time specified in the admin panel
Anti-emulator (Bot starts working after the device is active)
Bot application size from 125 to 180 KB (Crypt about 1 MB)
Works on Android versions 5 and above
Covert SMS interception works from version 5 and higher
Injectors work on all current versions of Android 5 – 10+
Data between the server and the bot is encrypted using the RC4 + base64 algorithm with a random key
Blocking bot deletion
Blocking disabling admin rights
Blocking Disable Accessibility Service
May have several spare domains for submission

Unique bot identifier

Android version

Build Marking
Country + language which is set in the device settings
Last knock
Screen status (on / off)
Google Play Protect status
Accessibility Service state
Administrator Rights Status
Main module receive status
Status of hidden SMS interception
Availability of bank logs, cards and mails!
List of established banks
Device IP
Date of device infections
Device model
Battery state of charge
Holder’s cell number
Phone activity (Determine the presence of an emulator)
Bot working hours!

Live admin panel
General and individual tasks
Filtering the bot table
Adding your own injections using a user-friendly interface
Loading injections in HTML format
Statistics: Online, Offline, Logs
Storing application lists and phone contacts in the database
Separate logs of banks, cards and mails
The panel is located in the TOR network on our servers

Click to Download

                                                                           How to use :

Load your Combo first , than load your proxie and than select proxies Type (Http/socks4/socks5),than select your Thread 100-200 , than click on start , that all.Tool has been tested by me.if account has 2FA mean true , if False you can access it.

Click To Download

Virus Report 


Always check Virus Report Before Running any tool , for safety use rdp or Sandbox.


 List of checkers-

Apple Valid Emails Checker By X-SLAYER Axenta Fortnite Cracker - Cracked by Crank AxiumCLR Best uPlay Checker v1.0.1 Blizzard Checker by RubiconT Bohoo Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER Bonusbitcoin Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER- BreakingNord Checker (NordVPN) BTC BRUTE CHECKER 3.1 BTC clicks Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER CBS CHECKER Checker N3tflix Cracked BY Scorpio CHECKER Uplay BY SPACEMAN Checker Wish By X-KILLER CoinBase Checker Coinify Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER Cracked Amazon Brute By JLXP Crew Crunchyroll Checker by xRisky CyberGhost VPN Checker by xRisky DARKAIO - ALL IN ONE CHECKER Death By Captcha Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER DeathByCaptcha Checker by Calix Directv Now Checker by RubiconT Discord Agora's Token Checker Discord Checker by xPolish Discord Token Checker ULTRA Disney Checker DuBrute - RDP CRACKER eBay Brute eBay BruteChecker v2 ebay Checker Account By X-KILLER Ebay Register Checker EduFucker Fixed - Edu Email Checker EduMail-AccessChecker Email Access Checker _atr3 Email Checker by Shield Email Checker Pro Expressvpn Checker V 1.0 - SorenaSoft_TM F.PSN Checker By Angeal v1.1.0 Facebook Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER Facebook Checkers Fortlegends Checker [] FortNite Brute Checker 1 0 0 - Cracked By PC-RET Fortnite Checker by Burnwood Fortnite Checker F.A.K Fortnite Checker Keker 1_0_0_79 Fortnite Checker OtimCLR3_ Fortnite Skinner Checker V1.9.1 Checker Account By X-KILLER Godaddy Checker Cracked REG CHECKER BY ZARAMSIM Fixed By GoldFlix GC Netflix Checker Grammarly Checker By X-SLAYER Habib PSN Checker 4.25 - Cracked HBO GO CHECKER HBO Now Checker by RubiconT Hide My Ass Checker by xRisky HideMyAss! checker BY X-KILLER Hotstar CHECKER V0.1 By Scorpio#7447 Hulu Account Checker With Capture Hulu Checker by RubiconT Hulu CHECKER BY THIEX Hulu Checker by xRisky ibVPN Brute Checker By MTSoft_ V2 InfinityBlack AIO Instagram Account Checker By Amir v0.1 Instagram Brute Checker By Draingrom instagram Checker by xRisky Instagram Reg Checker Update Ipvanich vpn CHECKER V0.1 By scorpio#7447 IPVanish Checker by xRisky IQOption Checker [v1.0] kracking artists LoL Checker LOL Checker by AC - Cleaned MailRanger 2 - CHECKER MEGA Checker by Malex Minecraft Checker by xRisky MultiChecker 1.05 Cracked By Devil MultyX Cracked v1.5 Netflix Checker by GOD Cracked By GM`ka NetFlix Checker by xRisky v2 Netflix Checker Shitter By Team-Otimus V3.0 Netflix Checker v0.2.1 Netflix Checker v1 by Sh4lltear Netflix Checker V3.1 by Cetrix NetFlix GC Checker by xRisky Netflix password changer + capture by RubiconT NordVpn Checker Account By X-KILLER NordVPN Checker by Monacoa - [xRisky] Onyx NordVPN_Checker Origin by ColorPage Origin Checker Origin Checker By X-SLAYER Origin Games Checker PayPal Checker + Combo by 3mon PayPal Checker by Dark Dantes Paysafecard Checker By RubiconT PlaystationChecker V2 - Cracked By PC-RET PornHub Checker PornHub Checker [@AlexanderPoint] Pornify PORNHUB Checker Private PSN CheckerBrute 2021 Psn Bruteforcer & Checker Psn Checker V0.1 By Scoroio PSN REGCHECKER PSN-brutechecker-by-Bax77 pcrt qqtube Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER RDP Cracker RDP xtscrack Cracker 0.9 Reddit Checker runescape Checker Account By X-KILLER Checker SKINWALLET CHECKER BY SHANX Social Club Checker Spotify Account Checker By Amir v0.1.exe Spotify Checker - SpotHear Spotify Checker by Asaka Spotify Checker By DJR - Cracked by FullMoonSword Spotify Checker by KniX Spotify Checker - Cracked Spotify Spectrum Cracker Steam Accounts Checker v0.4 By X-SLAYER Steam Checker by Mr.ViPER Steam Checker by X-SLAYER Steam Cracker - [IP-REC] Steam Login Checked by LowSkiII SteamBrute_ShaOnKrisTof SteamMachine - Account Checker TCM_sSkinChecker Tinydeal Checker Account By X-KILLER Twitch Regchecker TwitterCheckerProtected Udemy Accounts Checker By X-SLAYER uPLay Checker by InkzProd Uplay checker V2.0 By Scorpio USA dominos Checker by RubiconT Valid Email BruteChecker [1.1] - by thekorol ValoKeker Cracked By SpArtOr & Cox - Valorant Checker Valorant Checker by Xinax Walmart Checker Zer0n XBOX Checker 4Shared Cracker V1 AIO Checker All Mail Brute All Mail Checker All Mail Checker by Sinus 1.4 Amazon Checker -Amaze- Anatomy Fortnite Skin Checker Apex Checker

Click to Download

BAS Stealer – A full-fledged Stealer on BAS 7 Browsers 12 Wallets Grabber

  BAS Stealer – A full-fledged Stealer on BAS 7 Browsers 12 Wallets Grabber [ + ] Sealer is written entirely in BAS + Nodejs, has no downloa...


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